Awards & labels

Swisstainable Level III
Since September 2023, Val Müstair, together with the Engadin Scuol Zernez vacation region, has been the first destination in Switzerland to call itself «Swisstainable – leading».

Sustainable destination
Val Müstair, together with the Engadin Scuol Zernez vacation region, was the first destination in Switzerland to be awarded the «Sustainable destination» label by TourCert. Fixed components of the certification are the acquisition of partner businesses, the establishment of a sustainability council and the creation of a sustainability report with a comprehensive improvement program.

Swiss Parks Network
Swiss parks are exceptional regions in which people are committed to their landscape and nature, their culture and language as well as a sustainable regional economy. Together with 19 other park regions, the Biosfera Val Müstair forms a community of values – the Swiss Parks Network.

UNESCO «Man and Biosphere»
Together with the Swiss National Park and parts of the municipality of Scuol, Val Müstair forms Switzerland's first high Alpine biosphere reserve – the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair. Val Müstair is thus automatically part of the «Man and Biosphere» (MAB) program.

UNESCO Welterbe
Seit 1983 ist das Kloster St. Johann in Müstair eine Weltkulturerbestätte der UNESCO. Das Kloster wurde im 8. Jahrhundert gegründet und hat den grössten und besterhaltenen Wandmalereizyklus aus dem Frühmittelalter.