The Val Müstair

People & Stories

Claudia Alini bei der Prüfung der Wanderwegmarkierung.
The Val Müstair is one of Switzerland's small and fine places. The intact nature and proximity to the Swiss National Park as well as a cultural diversity, the Romansh language and living customs characterise the valley. But who are the people who live here and shape everyday life? Embark on a journey of discovery and find out more.  

The Val Müstair - very personal

Watch #miavalmüstair: Das Val Müstair ganz persönlich on YouTube.
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Claudia Alini ist glücklich in der Natur.

On the road for the region Claudia Alini

laudia Alini, a dedicated hiking trail manager in the region, combines tourism, health and creativity. With her experience, she ensures that the hiking trails remain in top condition.

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Lorenz Tschenett
Lorenz hat sich seinen Traumberuf als Landwirt erfüllt.

The butcher who became a farmer Lorenz Tschenett

Lorenz Tschenett is both an organic farmer and a butcher. He runs Bacharia Val Müstair with its own abattoir and meat processing plant. An important business in the Biosfera Val Müstair Nature Park. 

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History. Culture. Language. Marco Gilly

How does a cultural identity develop and what does it do to us? What influence does the past have on the present? Marco Gilly enjoys dealing with such questions. 

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Rudi Müller

Mountain guide in the wild Val Müstair Rudi Müller

After many years of travelling the world as a mountain guide, Rudi was drawn to Val Müstair. As a mountain guide and secondary school teacher, he lives and works in the Biosfera Val Müstair nature par

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Der prüfende Blick auf die frisch präparierte Rennloipe.
Der prüfende Blick auf die frisch präparierte Rennloipe.

Cross-country skiing knows no boundaries Veit Angerer

Veit Angerer, initiator of Venosta Nordic, is creating a diverse cross-country skiing network in the border triangle, ranging from beginner routes to professional routes from the last Tour de Ski.

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Uli Veith beim Empfang der Gäste im Hotel Chasa Chalavaina

The maker between innovation and tradition Uli Veith

Doing everything the way you've always done it is not Uli Veith's thing. The South Tyrolean has been managing director of the UNESCO Monastery of St. Johann Foundation in Müstair for eight years.

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Wlater und Marius Burch

Patient thread pullers. Walter und Marius Burch

Since 2021 they have dedicated themselves to the family project "Red Gold" - the cultivation of saffron.

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Fabian Tschenett betreibt in Müstair einen Fachhandel.

Young entrepreneur in the family business Fabian Tschenett

Fabian Tschenett runs a specialist shop in Müstair with a lot of joy and verve. Fabian finds relaxation from everyday business life on the soccer fields in Val Müstair and South Tyrol or on his skis.

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Aita Largiadèr – ein Vierteljahrhundert z’Alp

A Quarter of a Century in the Alps Aita Largiadèr

The «alpine addiction» gripped Aita 25 years ago and has not let go until today.  

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Manuela Zen

In harmony with man and nature Manuela Zen

It is the joy of movement that Manuela enjoys so much. With great passion she passes this on to her guests and thus contributes to their well-being.

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Musiker Dario Fallet

Craftsman and musician with passion Dario Fallet

As the son of a carpenter, Dario and his two brothers began working and tinkering in the family workshop at an early age. It was a similar story with music.

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Wildhüter Jon Gross.

For a wild Val Müstair Jon Gross

As a wild ranger, Jon Gross monitors, regulates and coordinates the populations of wild animals in the Biosfera Val Müstair.

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Valentin Pitsch.

How the Ofen Pass got its name Valentin Pitsch

When hearing the word «Ofenpass», many have asked themselves what was cooked here that gave the hill this name? Valentin Pitsch knows.

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Alphorn-Gruppe ils infernals

From Africa to Val Müstair Dennis Ulayayi

They are two worlds that could hardly be more different. Dennis, who was born in Zambia, left his homeland Kabwe behind and followed love - all the way to Val Müstair.

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Mistress of the 1,000 threads and keys

Martina Marcona

Actually, Martina Marcona wanted to study piano at the conservatory. But homesickness made her return to Val Müstair, where she learned the art of hand weaving.

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Nicci Tschenett vollgas bergab

On the road with «Ride La Val» Proper biking with Nicci Tschenett

Nicci Tschenett feels comfortable in any terrain. Her motto: «Better too fast than too slow». As a bike guide, however, she also knows where caution is advised. And where the most beautiful trails are

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Der italienische Machu Picchu mit Blick ins Valle del Braulio Richtung Bormio

On military-historical paths to the little «Machu Picchu» Henri Duvoisin

Did you know that right on the Swiss border there was a relentless war between Italy and Austria-Hungary? 100 years later, you can walk in the footsteps of the First World War.

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Priorin Domenica Dethomas im Val Müstairl

The nun Domenica Dethomas

From 2013 to 2019, the convent of St. Johann in Müstair was the supreme task of the local religious sister Domenica Dethomas. During this time, she presided over the monastery as prioress.

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Vielseitig unterwegs im Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair.

Versatile on the road in the Biosfera Val Müstair Livio Conrad

For many years, the young man from Val Müstair used his energy to make forestry in the Val Müstair as sustainable as possible for people and the environment.

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Lama-Trekking mit Isidor Sepp

Organic farmer and Lama whisperer Isidor Sepp

Isidor Sepp is an organic farmer and «tourism expert» with a passion. Together with his llamas, wife and children, he runs a farm in Müstair.

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Downhiller, engineer, bicycle baker The many talents of Sergio Tschenett

Sergio Tschenett is a really good and elegant biker. The Val Müstair and the surrounding Alpine passes have shaped him.

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Augustin Oswald mit seinen Schafen.

Organic farmer and ski school manager Augustin Oswald

Augustin Oswald has been a ski instructor in Minschuns for 30 years. For him the most beautiful place in winter: Great slopes, winter hiking trails, cross-country ski trails and sun.

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Glücksgefühle kurz vor dem Gipfel. Auf Skitour im Val Müstair.
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Organic farmer, ski area manager and snow enthusiast

On a ski tour with Daniel Pitsch

The experienced ski tourer knows the ski touring paradise of Val Müstair like no other.

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Curdin Bott ist langjähriger Langlauflehrer des Val Müstair

Cross-country skiing as a passion Curdin Bott

Freshly groomed trails, blue skies, warming rays of sunshine - conditions like these put Curdin Bott, Val Müstair's long-time cross-country ski instructor, in a good mood.

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Gianluca Cologna

In the footsteps of the former professional Gianluca Cologna

As a previous venue of the Tour de Ski and two top local athletes, the tranquil valley has very prominent cross-country ambassadors. We meet Gianluca Cologna on the famous sprint track in Tschierv.

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