Jau sun Biosfera
The nature park introduces itself

The legal basis for Swiss parks has been in force since 2007. They are found in the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act (NHG) and in the Parks Ordinance (PäV). The law allows regions with exceptional natural and landscape values to be recognised as nature parks – provided that certain requirements are met. These include the diversity and rarity of native animal and plant species, the special beauty of the landscape and a low degree of impairment of the landscape and townscape by infrastructural facilities. To become a nature park, an application must be submitted to the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). If all the requirements are met, the «Park of national importance» label is awarded, which the Biosfera Val Müstair has held since 2011.
Part of a big picture
Val Müstair is much more than just a nature park. Together with the Swiss National Park and parts of the municipality of Scuol, the nature park forms Switzerland's first high alpine biosphere reserve – the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair. The perimeter of the nature park covers the entire area of the municipality of Val Müstair. In addition to the main valley with its six fractions Tschierv, Fuldera, Lü, Valchava, Sta. Maria and Müstair, the uninhabited Val Mora is part of the park area. Val Nüglia is also part of the Swiss National Park.