Industrial Monument Valchava
Calcium oven, Valchava

Lime burning is an old, non-profit building culture. Mostly lime was burned at church, school and community buildings. Lime burning was assigned on a piecework basis. In addition, at midnight the lime burners received the obligatory "marenda" (snack), which consisted of a liter of wine, bread and cheese. They also had to fire continuously for 4-6 days until even the limestones on the surface glowed. After 3-4 days of cooling, the raw lime could be slaked. This was done by pouring water into a slaking pan. Covered with water, the lime was thus durable for years. The lime kiln was restored in 1982 and also lime was burned for the last time.
Opening hours
Visits are possible daily on your own.
Public Transport
Via PostBus from Zernez or Müstair to Valchava, cumün.
From Zernez via Ofenpass, from Mals (IT) via Müstair to Valchava.
Parking available, about 500m.
Calcium oven, Valchava
Puoz, 7536 Valchava
Responsible for this content Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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