Dare more sustainability
Charta 2021-30

What is the Charta?
The charter is the strategic basic document of the nature park, which is valid for a period of ten years. In addition to the park regulations, the charter contains a 10-year management plan for the nature park. This describes the past development, the current situation and the future potential of the Biosfera Val Müstair. It defines the strategic park goals and the effects to be achieved in the areas of nature and landscape, sustainable economy, nature- and culture-based tourism, culture, education, research and spatial development.

The «Armonia jaura» mission statement
The original idea of establishing the Biosfera Val Müstair Nature Park is based on the guiding principle of «Armonia jaura», which means «Münstertal harmony». Under this title, the valley population strives for the interaction of the three pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy and society. In this way, the valuable habitat of Val Müstair is to be preserved, sufficient jobs are to be available for future generations, the population is to live in a vital environment and the intact nature and diversity of the landscape are to be preserved.