Broad support


Chasa Jaura
The Biosfera Val Müstair Nature Park is an independent institution under public law and as such is affiliated to the municipality of Val Müstair.

Institutional structure

The municipality of Val Müstair is the sponsor of the nature park. Strategic management is carried out by the Biosfera commission, which consists of a maximum of 14 representatives from various interest groups. The operational management of the park lies with the office. The Label commission is responsible for the certification of products and services. Working groups are set up for some of the topics dealt with by the nature park. These offer people with skills and interest in the respective subject area the opportunity to contribute their knowledge to the nature park.

Biosfera commission

Bernhard Aeschbacher Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair
Larissa Bott Youth
Thomas Brülisauer (President) Val Müstair school
Jörg Clavadetscher Val Müstair forestry department
Theodor von Fellenberg Val Müstair health centre
Jon Gross Hunt
Stefanie Gubler Research Commission of the Swiss National Park
Pascal Lampert Culture
Daniel Pitsch Gastronomy
Guolf Schorta Agriculture
Chasper Stuppan Val Müstair municipality
Uli Veith (Vice-President) Pro Kloster St. Johann foundation
Grettina Weber Pro Natura
Ivan Zangerle Trade and commerce

Label commission

Thorsten Frohn Head office Biosfera Val Müstair
Marco Gilly Partner
Reto Lamprecht Partner / Producer
Aline Oertli Head office Biosfera Val Müstair
Isidor Sepp Partner / Producer
Uli Veith Partner / Producer / Biosfera commission
Ivan Zangerle Partner / Biosfera commission