A revạir – goodbye winter


Chalandamarz Umzug 2024
When the village youth in bright blue shirts with scarves and red pointed caps are singing, accompanied by loud cowbell ringing and whip cracking – is the 1st of March and thus Chalandamarz, probably the most beautiful tradition.

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about the living tradition

«Chalanda» means the 1st day of the month, so Chalandamarz means nothing else than the first day of March. Before the Julian calendar, Chalandamarz was the first day of the year and the custom was used to drive away evil spirits at the turn of the year. Today, this custom announces the beginning of spring and the end of the cold season with singing, cracking of whips and ringing of bells.

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Chalandamarz im Val Müstair

More than just a custom for the village youth in Val Müstair

Chalandamarz elections are held every year on January 28. The young people then vote on who should become commander and vice-commander and who will take over other important positions.

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Chalandamarz Aufführung

There will be sung Chalandamarz songs

The parade stops in front of the houses and in the squares, where the village children sing cheerful songs. Weeks before the parade, the children start rehearsing at school.

Chalandamarz-Lied by Marius Tschirky feat. Ursina

Sing with us!

Chalandamarz in Val Müstair

Il lung e'l fraid inviern s-chatschaina, da nossa bella Val Müstair. Chalandamarz hoz festagiaina, la prümavaira lain giodair, la prümavaira lain giodair. 

Il cling da s-chellas e brunzinas, as perdan plan aint il lontan. Il chant dal merl illas manzinas, la nouva spranza per daman, la nouva spranza per daman. 

Chalandamarz tü bell'üsanza, cun gust a tai nus lain mantgnair. Est sen da vita e da spranza, chantain, sclingiain a tuot pudair, in noss cumüns d'la Val Müstair.

Review Chalandamarz 2024

Time Village/Vocals & Poems
8:00 – 9:00 Parade through Lü/Lüsai Lü: Hotel Hirschen
Lüsai: At the clock
8:00 – 9:00 Parade through Tschierv Tschierv: Chasa Minschuns, Garage Pitsch SA, Chasuras
9:30 – 10:10 Parade through Fuldera Fuldera: Hotel Landgasthof Staila, Post
10:30 – 11:30 Parade through Valchava Valchava: Muglin, Hotel Central
12:40 – 14:00 Parade through Müstair Müstair: Plaz Grond, Post, Somvih, Hoppe/Lico (just bells)
14:30 – 15:30 Parade through Sta. Maria Sta. Maria: Scoula veglia, Post, Center da sandà (Sielva)
Time 8:00 – 9:00 8:00 – 9:00 9:30 – 10:10 10:30 – 11:30 12:40 – 14:00 14:30 – 15:30
Parade through Lü/Lüsai Parade through Tschierv Parade through Fuldera Parade through Valchava Parade through Müstair Parade through Sta. Maria
Village/Vocals & Poems Lü: Hotel Hirschen Lüsai: At the clock Tschierv: Chasa Minschuns, Garage Pitsch SA, Chasuras Fuldera: Hotel Landgasthof Staila, Post Valchava: Muglin, Hotel Central Müstair: Plaz Grond, Post, Somvih, Hoppe/Lico (just bells) Sta. Maria: Scoula veglia, Post, Center da sandà (Sielva)
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Kinder am Chalandamarz

Zur Inspiration Chalandamarz

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