Piz Umbrail – Lai da Rims

The Lai da Rims is a popular highlight for hikers and bikers. To ensure that this remains the case, a priority regulation was developed in addition to the Fairtrail campaign, which is intended to reduce conflicts when using the trail.
Priority regulation
The arrangement is based on the days on which the hiking bus PostBus Val Vau is available: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday priority for hikers. Bikers should preferably use the other days.
Initial situation that led to the decision to introduce a priority regulation
Visitor survey (88 respondents)
- 28% of hikers had a negative experience with bikers
- 11% of hikers are strongly disturbed
- 51 hikers and 14 bikers on average per day
- Higher frequencies on the days of operation of the PostBus Val Vau hiking bus (Wed, Thu and Sat)
- Previous time restriction for bikers was not understood or not perceived.
- Bikers did not notice previous signposting or were not aware of the problem