Passo del Gallo - Val Mora: On the tracks of two highlights of the Val Müstair

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Starting point is the Ofenpass (Süsom Give), which can be reached by bus from Müstair or Zernez. The first highlight starts right next to the pass road! A flowing trail leads down to Buffalora, where the climb leads to Juf Plaun.
Instead of going directly into Val Mora, you reach the Passo del Gallo at the Italian border. The following trail with a view on the Lago dei Livignio is one of the best trails in the Alps. Nice flow and well laid out in the terrain! Only at the end of the trail there is a short sliding passage. Afterwards you reach the lake landscape Lago di Cancano, where there are also several inns.
Via the Passo Val Mora you reach the Val Mora gorge, which opens up more and more and is passable all the way through. The further one goes towards Döss Radond, the more the Val Mora opens up. From Döss Radond you can either take the forest road or single trails back to St. Maria. The trails created by the local bikers lead along the hiking trail next to the forest road to the valley.
An insider tip is the trail from Palüetta (1716 m above sea level) down to Sta. Maria. At this bend, a lumberjack, which cannot be overlooked as an imposing wooden sculpture, guards the entrance to one of the most exciting single trails in this area. The medium-difficult single trail is a secret tip and very fluid to ride.
The tour has been evaluated under favorable weather conditions. Current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be taken into account before the tour starts.
This tour requires a high degree of driving safety, balance and driving skills.
Emergency calls:
- 144 emergency calls, first aid
- 1414 Mountain rescue REGA
- 112 International emergency call
Be considerate when crossing and overtaking hikers: The mountain bike routes in Graubünden are mostly single trails, which are also signposted as hiking trails. Hikers always have priority.
Public Transport
- With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) every hour to Zernez station
- By PostBus (from Zernez) every hour to the PostBus stop Buffalora P10
Anreise Information
- From the north: via Landquart - Klosters by car transport through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or via the Flüela pass and the Ofen pass to Buffalora
- From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of St. Moritz on H27 to Zernez and then over the Ofenpass to Buffalora.
- From the south: via Reschenpass (Nauders-Martina) into the Val Müstair via the Ofenpass to Buffalora
- Free parking in Buffalora
Responsible for this content Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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