Augustin Oswald is an organic farmer and has been a ski instructor in Minschuns for 30 years. For him the most beautiful place in winter: Great slopes, winter hiking trail, cross-country ski trail and lots of sun - a small winter wonderland without hustle and bustle and waiting times at the lifts. When Augustin is not on the mountain, he takes care of his shaggy Skudde sheep.
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Root path and block passage - no problem. Narrow hairpin bends and long climbs - definitely. Nicci Tschenett feels comfortable in any terrain. Her motto: «Better too fast than too slow». As a bike guide, however, she also knows where caution is called for. And above all, where the most beautiful trails are hidden in Val Müstair. Today she is on the road in the Val Mora and Passo del Gallo area.
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For many years, the young man from Münstertal used his energy to make forestry in Val Müstair as sustainable as possible for people and the environment. He can recharge his batteries particularly well on the hunt and on hikes in the colourful autumn season.
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Freshly groomed trails, blue skies, warming rays of sunshine – such conditions put Curdin Bott, the long-time cross-country ski instructor of Val Müstair, in a good mood. «When the weather is this beautiful, there's nothing better for me in winter than to go cross-country skiing,» admits Curdin.
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Thanks to the electric assistance, you will reach your destination a little faster - more time to enjoy the view, reward yourself with a regional delicacy after a strenuous tour or explore the cultural treasures in Val Müstair.
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The Biosfera Val Müstair in a fact check: Here you will find not necessarily the most important, but the most interesting information about the nature park. Bet you don't know some of them yet?
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Agricultura Val Müstair stands for high-quality regional products from Val Müstair. 33 farmers have joined forces with the Turettas Hunters' Association and the Biosfera Val Müstair to bundle product development and marketing.
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Nature enthusiasts enjoy the unique natural jewels of the Val Müstair on the approximately 250-kilometre-long network of trails - far away from civilisation, in an almost untouched landscape. Let yourself be inspired and sharpen your senses. The Val Müstair is waiting to be explored.
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When the village youth in bright blue shirts with scarves and red pointed caps are singing, accompanied by loud cowbell ringing and whip cracking – is the 1st of March and thus Chalandamarz, probably the most beautiful tradition.
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Our adventure programmes for school classes last either half a day or a whole day. Accompanied by a guide, the pupils become active themselves. Using various methods, a special feature of the Val Müstair from the areas of culture, nature and economy is developed and discussed. The activities are based on Curriculum 21 and the principles of Education for Sustainable Development.
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FestiValmüstair Il tschêl sün terra – Dr Himml uf Ärde (3.-6.10.2024)
Brückenschläge zwischen Musik, Natur und Kunst stehen im Zentrum des Festivals «Il tschêl sün terra – Dr Himml uf Ärde», das vom 3.-6. Oktober 2024 stattfindet. Das Festival soll einen lebendigen Austausch zwischen Musizierenden und Natur- und Kunstinteressierten fördern – ein Rendezvous des Val Müstair mit der Musikwelt aus Nah und Fern.
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